Dream Girls: Part Seven

I find myself sitting on a black boulder alone in a forest.

I’m also wearing some red sunglasses.

It’s weird seeing such a red world.

I look up at the sky and see a storm is brewing.

Clouds have taken over the sky.

I imagine that they are gray.

Light is nowhere in sight.

Thunder is rumbling loud and proud.

Letting its voice be heard.


The wind is a force to be reckoned with.

It’s wrestling with the tall, oak trees.

They’re fighting and trying to stand their ground,

But they are no match for the wind.

The wind is persistent with one goal in mind,

The wind simply wants to bring these beautiful trees down.

It has all the time in the world to do so.

The wind also has the river under its control.

The river no longer has a smooth, rhythmic flow.

It has no control anymore.

The wind is the river’s composer now,

It’s orchestrating a new flow for the river.

A flow that is chaotic and destructive.


Although I am lost, I am not afraid.

It’s a weird feeling to have.

This is a place that is all too familiar with me.

This is a place where I can view paradise.

This is a place of relaxation.

This is a place of pure imagination.

I wish I could be here forever.

I want that more than anything.


Behind me, I hear a tree branch break.

I turn around and my red sunglasses fly off my face.

They somehow end up in the river,

And they are far from my grasp.

They are lost and forgotten now.


I look back behind me,

And I see a woman next to some bushes and trees.

We were only a few feet away from each other.

I remember her all too well.

She’s wearing some blue jeans and a white t-shirt.

She’s also wearing a gold watch.

I look at her face and notice that she’s crying.

She takes off the gold watch and throws it on the ground.

Then, she runs away from me and goes deeper into the forest.


I quickly get up to chase after her.

I make it to the spot she was just at and see the gold watch.

I pick it up and see that it’s broken.

Time is all messed up on it.


The wind gets more aggressive,

Trees start falling like dominoes.

Thunder is getting louder,

And the clouds are getting darker.

The storm is finally here.

I feel like I should stay here in this place,

This is where I wanna be.

But I must go after her.

She needs me, I know it.

So, I go deeper into the woods,

And run away from a place that brought me peace and tranquility.

In hopes to find her, my true serenity.

Everything turns black.


I wake up from a strange dream.

I don’t remember too much about it.

I think I was in a forest.

The forest kind of reminded me of a girl I once knew.

I can’t stop thinking about her.

I wouldn’t mind if she was in my dreams honestly.

She would definitely be a great dream girl.


This is the end of part seven of the Dream Girls series. Be sure to like, share and comment your thoughts on this poem!

I will be posting and sharing part eight of Dream Girls on Monday!


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