Dream Girls: Part Thirteen

I find myself trapped in a gigantic room,

Space is all around me,

But I’m surrounded by four yellow walls,

There’s no door in sight,

There’s a just small window,

I squint to see what’s out the window,

But I can only see total darkness,

I need to get a closer look out there.

I slowly get up,

But I quickly wince in pain,

I look down at my body,

And I notice I was stabbed two times on my right side.

Blood starts dripping down my body,

And I quickly apply pressure,

And I rush to the small window in front of me.

I start running towards the window,

But I notice the room feels a little smaller,

Almost like the walls are closing in,

As I get closer to the window,

I now see the walls are closing in,

I stop where I’m at,

And the walls stop closing in.

I don’t understand,

Am I just supposed to stay in this room with the yellow walls?

Am I just supposed to keep bleeding?

Am I just supposed to die here?

I don’t want to get crushed to death,

But I don’t want to bleed myself to death.

I can’t just stay here,

I would rather move forward,

I would rather go to the window.

I start running towards the window,

And the yellow walls start closing in on me.

The pain on my side is getting worse,

I’m still losing to much blood,

It’s getting harder to breathe,

I’m struggling to run towards the window,

And I want to give up,

But I’m determined to make it to the window.

By the time I make it to the small window,

The once gigantic room is now like a small bedroom,

There’s no space whatsoever,

And I have little time,

My vision is getting blurry,

I barely have the strength to stand up,

Or even open this window,

I only have one opportunity for salvation.

I try to open up the window,

But I can’t do it,

The yellow walls are getting closer to my body,

And it feels like I’m in a closet.

I start banging on the window,

Trying desperately to break the glass,

I’m making little progress with the window,

The yellow walls eventually reach my body,

And I can no escape these yellow walls.

I’m slowly getting crushed by the yellow walls,

I can hear my bones cracking,

And blood flooding out of my body,

I’m in excruciating pain,

All of sudden,

There’s a change in the window,

I look through the window,

And see a familiar, frightening woman staring at me,

Smiling in delight of my suffering,

And enjoying my demise,

Everything turns black.

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