Dream Girls: Part Twelve

I find myself in a white bath tub,

The water is running,

And the tub is only half full with water,

The water is clear,

There’s steam all around,

And I can barely see anything,

But I can tell that I’m in a bathroom,

How did I get here?

Why am I here in the first place?

I try to get out of the bath tub,

But I’m struggling to get out for some reason,

I’m actually in a little bit of pain,

I look down,

And I’m shocked to see the water is no longer clear,

It’s becoming a little red,

I’m horrified that it’s due to the blood from my own body,

My heart starts beating faster,

How did this wound suddenly appear?

How did I get stabbed in the stomach?

The water is still running,

I have to stop it from overflowing the tub.

But before I can do anything,

I hear a door slowly open,

I turn to my right,

And I see only darkness through the doorway,

No light whatsoever.

A shadow figure enters the bathroom,

It looks like it’s a woman,

But I can’t tell right away.

The pain starts to intensify,

But it feels strangely familiar.

Water and my blood overflows the bathtub,

And pour right on the floor,

It’s getting harder to breathe,

It’s getting harder to stay alive,

Death is near and very close to me.

The dark figure comes behind me,

And submerges me deep into the tub,

Water fills my lungs,

And takes over my body,

I’m drowning with no way to escape,

She has me pinned down,

I will be dead soon,

Everything turns black.

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