Dream Girls: Part Sixteen

The orange sun is shining bright in a dark world,

It’s strange to see such a thing,

Where is the moon?

Why is the orange sun front and center right now?

The heat is becoming unbearable,

There’s no reason for it to feel like summer,

I need the coolness of the night,

The soft touch of the moon,

The sun has no business in this dark world.

Why must it torment me now?

I’ve suffered too much,

I’m sweating too much,

I’m losing too much,

This world is too much for me.

I find myself in an unfamiliar city,

I ran to the city,

But maybe I should’ve just settled for the small house,

Maybe the four yellow walls could’ve protected me more,

Maybe it wouldn’t have mattered,

Maybe my fate is already sealed,

Maybe there’s just no way to avoid death itself.

I can’t run anymore,

I’m staggering and trying to stay on my feet,

But it’s impossible,

I fall down in front of an interesting building,

It’s a black cathedral,

It’s so familiar to me,

Yet unfamiliar in this dark world.

The orange sun continues to beat down on me,

While the night does nothing to stop the beating,

I’m powerless to do anything,

I’m ready for death to take me now,

The black cathedral’s bells begin to toll.

My time in this world will come to an end soon,

I just need her to seal my fate.

I hear her footsteps coming towards me,

She’s ready to end this horrific dream,

Maybe I can wake up to a better reality,

Or maybe another nightmare is in store for me,

But I’m glad I know that this is a dream,

That I struggle to escape from,

I hope this is the end,

I hope the loop of this dream is over,

I can’t take the terror and horror anymore,

I just want to wake up from this dream,

I need her to free me from this dream,

Once and for all,

Everything turns black.

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